Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fleeting Beauty and Preservation of Romantics

Taking pictures of our own experiences in nature.

Apple’s advertisement team has always put consumers in awe with their products and marketed their goods with the most confidence that they are indeed the leading brand in their field. One wouldn’t disagree as they looked around and saw that the bitten white apple outline is littered all over people’s hands, connecting them to a non-tangible world of the internet and communication. Photos are the modern documentation method in our society now. Millions of photos are taken at every moment by everyone all across the world, all in hopes of preserving memories, sights, and things we love and that light up a certain pathway of neurons in our brains denoting it “beautiful”. Mother nature is the hardest model to work with however and is always distorted in technology; whether enhanced with filters or has its beauty masked by poor resolution. No matter what is capturing the moment, natural beauty has always put the human race in awe when finally given a chance and paid attention to outside of the “reality” world we have built surrounding us.
            We talked about in class the work of Romantics in underlining and bringing out the small overlooked details of natural piety and how one may find the beauty of the natural world overwhelming. When we are surrounded by such a great beauty that is unyielding like the ocean, mountains, or a large forest, we are often humbled to innocence and rendered insignificant no matter what achievements we have accomplished or age we have matured to. Natural piety puts humans and their developed reality on a humble shelf and repositions social statuses all to the same level. As Rouseeau supports the claim of he fact of natural order being disrupted and that the “spirit of society, and […] inequality which society produces, […] transform[s] and alter[s] all our natural inclinations.”
            The romantic is displayed with a beautiful intertwining of human kind, technology, and natural beauty. It isn’t always the case that technology and nature must be at opposite sides of the spectrum. Apple’s simple, calm, and melodic piano in the background of the ad brings us to ponder the beauty of simplicity, and with each scene of a different person capturing something worth remembering forever for, we begin to question our perspective of what is really important to capturing as memories and why. There of course are a lot of people in this ad capturing natural beauty of the ocean, mountains, and other great natural landscapes. However, it is also important to note that some less typical “natural” romantic landscapes are being captured as well, like the sea of people at :29. Society and cities only exist because of the simple existence of humans and the brain’s natural predisposition of gathering with others. The beauty of the sea of people humbles us out of the egotistic mind we have created when placed out of our technological and social media crazed world that puts us in the center of everything.

            Apple ads always blow me away and make me stop and simply enjoy their ads and message. Unlike a lot of other advertisement on the market today, Apple markets its products as what it can do for you and how it fits into the natural lifestyle that you may have.  A lot of other advertisements just kind of shove their product in your face with features and physical aesthetics of the product. Photos are taken for a reason, just like any representation of things we make, like drawings, paintings, and poems. All these representations of art all are trying to capture fleeting moments in our life, and although photos may not capture the beauty of each crashing wave in the ocean, every sparkling grain of sand on the beach, or every blade of grass on a rolling hill—it sure brings us closer to keeping moments we experience before they are lost in the past of memories.

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