Monday, November 25, 2013

Tacker Jakers

I picked chapter 14 where Katnis is stuck in the tree while everyone waits to kill her at the bottom including Peeta. Rue points out the tracker jaker nest and she tries to saw it while the anthem goes on but can't get it in time. She then gets her ointment and applies it to her burns and waits till mourning to finish the nest. She cuts the nest down, gets stung three times and manages to kill Glimmer and the girl from district 4. She gets the bow from Glimmer and Peeta saves her life and she runs off hallucinating and blacks out. 

This scene is constructed through Katnis's emotions towards sending this nest upon her competitors. She feels stuck in this tree and feels she has no other option. She doesn't seem to want to kill anyone but it is justified because of her lack of options. This is the Rousseau side of things where she sees the good in people but she doesn't come out and say it just more implied by her habitus as a good natured person as her character is constructed in the book. This Rousseau good nature of her is displayed by her selflessness of risking her life to help out Rue and her mention of wanting Rue to win over Peter even if it meant her family got more food if he won. She says "Since she tipped me off, it only seems fair to warn her. Besides, if I'm going to die today, it's RueI want to win. Even if it mean a little extra food for my family, the idea of Peeta being crowned victor is unberable". Her attitude towards Rue is Rousseau but her attitude towards Peeta due to her long lasting Grudge is a Hobbesian view on things. This one sentence explains most of her feelings but that one word "unberable" displays her Hobbesian view. Once she sends the nest to the ground and gets the bow as she starts to hallucinate, Peeta comes back and saves her. She runs and ends on the one last thought of him saving her life before she blacks out. Peeta's actions seemed to have wiped away this Hobbesian view of him. She says "Sick and disoriented, I'm able to form only one thought: Peeeta Mellark just saved my life...". This displays the start of the change of her view on him and their relationship as people.Going back to this one sentence and her Rousseau view towards Rue for helping her out. She sees the good in Rue for tipping her off and feels the need to pay her back. This reflects her Habitus of her Rousseauist view and is reflected from the very beginning of volunteering for Prinn, to not killing in the scramble for weapons and just trying to survive and only killing if necessary. She seems to switch between these views of Romantic Rousseau and a pessimistic Hobbes. Also more displaying her Rosseauist side when she gets the bow from Glimmer she says "I reach Glimmerjust as the cannon fires. The Tracker jackers have vanished. This girl, so breathtakingly beautiful in her golden dress the night of the interviews, is unrecognizable." She almost feels remorse for her actions and sees the beautiful side of her and compares to the after math of the wasp stings. She feels guilty but knows she must do it; this sentence displays her Roussauist while she romantisizes Glimmer in her previous form.  It still falls onto the Rousseau side with the "state of nature" Katnis is only using the tools within this "state of nature" she in forced into and she doesn't seem wicked for killing people merely doing what she has to.

Now all of this forces us as a reader in this moment to see the good in Katnis, to show she does not only not want to kill these people but is forced to. This is obvious from the start of the book but it also displays that she is not going to get out of the games just hiding and surviving. This prepares you for the shift in her character becoming more comfortable with killing and winning the games. It also forces you to believe that her and Peeta will become something together. It places you as the reader in this forced roll she is in. You want her to be able to make it through the games but also keep her good nature but that is not going to happen and you feel forced to like the killing. It also makes you want her to kill Kato as well as he is the villain with in the contestants. 

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