Sunday, October 27, 2013

'Skinny Can'

            Sofia Varga has recently become a media star throughout America. Through her hit TV show Modern Family, acting in movies, and her face covering the ads for Diet Pepsi, she has become a very well known, very popular icon in the celebrity world.

            Her commercials for Diet Pepsi are seen everywhere. Her face covers billboards, the television screens, magazine pages, and every other form of advertisement. Her accent and nice body entice the viewer, and lead them to believe that drinking Diet Pepsi will create the flawless self whom she is portraying. In all of her commercials she is wearing a swimsuit, or a tight dress enhancing her features. Her hair is perfectly curled, her face is unblemished, and there is not an imperfection in sight.

            The picture-perfect, seductive commercials create an unrealistic perception of women in society. Young girls, and the female gender overall are constantly exposed to these forms of advertisements. It is sickening that something as simple as Diet Pepsi takes such extreme measures to promote their product. Taking an actress’s appealing and sexy body and putting it as the face of their merchandise endorses nothing more than her perfect body rather than the can of Diet Pepsi. Viewers are pulled in and led to believe that drinking their soda will result in a life similar to what is portrayed in the commercials.

            The use of seduction, sexy commercials to sell products are becoming increasingly common. The techniques used to advertise goods are wrong. Rather than using humor, drama, or others, companies focus on sexually attracting the viewer.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I think is interesting about this is that she is promoting diet pepsi rather than regular pepsi. As you said she is supposed to represent a perfect woman and one thing many women try to avoid is being overweight or out of shape. Drinking diet pop is seen as one way to avoid gaining weight even though it can often be worse than regular soda drinks.
