Monday, October 28, 2013

Skinny Girl

This is another product that is aimed directly at women, and is supposed to lead them to believe that if they drink this specific product, then they get not only drink alcohol, but also limit there calories.
There are so many girls that worry about their caloric intake, and this is because the media has put so much pressure on girls to be “skinny”. This product plays on a girls insecurity, making a girl want to have this type of drink in hopes that she can look like the girl on the label.

The picture is what is printed on every label of this bottle. Now what I see, is a tall, almost Barbie-like looking girl. She has the thinnest waist, long legs, tiny feet, and the perfect pony tail. This is an unrealistic portrayal, or a false image, of a woman can physically look like. This women in real life, would even look distorted because her body proportions are off.

This affects all shapes of women, large or “skinny”. The girl on the label, looks like she’s having a girl time, perhaps she’s the life of the party and the best looking girl in the room. That makes women what to be like her. This envy can cause the thinnest of girls to feel self-conscious, and “larger” girls resent their bodies. But this body type is impossible to achieve, leaving girls desperately clinging to false hope and self-hate towards their own bodies.

They even have Skinny Girl linked with weight watchers. To a girl who desperately wants to lose weight, this image can easily become their goal image. And linking it with Weight Watchers almost makes it seem not only possible, but even a direct outcome of the Weight Watchers program.

This image can distort a women’s mind and make even the “skinny” woman feel large, when they don’t match the shape. This drink is not a magic potion that will make a girl look like this, but it is a magic potion for self-consciousness about a girl's weight and body shape. Women see this type of silhouette on their products daily, and after awhile it becomes hard to ignore, leaving women to feel less about themselves. But this product won't actually help women to look like the label. This drink has calories and sugar just like any other drink, and that's where they get women.

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