Sunday, September 15, 2013

Burger King - "It Will Blow your Mind"

I chose the ad by Burger King pictured above. I chose this ad because it is simple, to the point, and honestly a bit clever and funny. I believe a lot of times people over-analyze advertisements these days. It seems that ad campaigns are always being racist, sexist, or offending somebody in some way. Truly, they can't win, so I like that Burger King is somewhat owning the inappropriateness. I mean let's be honest, no matter what Ad campaigns say, do, who they cast, etc. people will find someway to deem them offensive.

The sexual innuendo is pretty evident in this ad. The ad pictures a female with her mouth wide open and sandwich going into with "It'll blow your mind away" written below. The ad is blatantly making a reference to oral sex. The ad then pictures their new sandwich and labels it the "BK Super Seven Incher." This title wouldn't make you think twice if it wasn't for the picture that accompanied it, but since that is not the case one can only think that the title is a reference to the male penis size.

I could go on to say that this ad is inappropriate, that it exploits women, or that I can't believe that this is what our generation of advertisement has come to, but I won't. The fact is, SEX SELLS and everyone knows it.

1 comment:

  1. Great point Cassie. Sex really does sell and what I've learned from previous classes is that almost every advertisement around us now usually has a drop of sex in it. Actors and actresses must appeal to the audience and good looking people can sell even the worst things. I've never seen this ad by Burger King, but I would suspect many people wanting to try this Super Seven Incher just because of the ad. It's a pretty raunchy ad, but it caught my attention. Isn't that all ads are supposed to do though?
