Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like    

 This advertisement I found on YouTube is for Old Spice body wash. In the opening scene there is a muscled, black man taking a shower, and he is asking the targeted audience, being ladies, to look at him and then back at their own man repeatedly. This commercial is probably directed towards women who have boyfriends or husbands, yet they possibly wish that their man was 'better'. As the commercial progresses the black man in this commercial gloats about all of the great things that the audience's men would do if they use the Old Spice body wash, as he continues to have the female audience compare him to their own men. Finally, the commercial ends with the muscled, black man sitting on a horse, which is the known symbol for Old Spice.

One signifier that is used in this commercial is the good looking black man. I feel like from a rhetorical view on this cultural item there are many women who find athletic, funny, rich men to be attractive. Throughout the commercial this view is pressed into the audience. When women see this commercial they can't help but smile and daydream about what life could be like with a man like him. I think that one of the intentions from the creator of this commercial is to say that women easily fall into a spell when there is an attractive man in front of them. Of course a woman would buy this for her man if he could look like the guy in this ad? Of course she wants her man to buy all of these nice things for her? The women are swooned when they see this man. My personal position on this commercial is different though. I personally just find this commercial comical. All of the things being said and shown in the ad are randomly tossed in, in a playful manner. Some of the promises being made are ridiculous, which makes them funny. Especially in the end when the man says, "I'm on a horse". That right there made me almost giggle because it is so random. I suppose by reacting that way I was partially 'swooned' by the commercial too then.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good choice. The man in the commercial is supposed to be the ideal man and I really like that he is not white because I most other companies would have chosen a white man but white men are certainly no more attractive than men of any other race. I also thought it was interesting that the bathroom he started out in was very simple and old fashion, while throughout the rest of the ad he is supposed to be very wealthy.
