Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Jewish summer camp world

Almost every Jew I know has gone to jewish summer camps, and I am no exception. Every jewish summer camp is practically the same, while they may pray differently or do different activities during the day, we all really end up with the same effects on our habitus. The first one that comes to mind is that when entering a new community, each summer camp jew immediately seeks out other jews and we compare who we know in a game we like to call "Jewish Geography". This is cliquey and annoying to non-jews but as summer camp jews, it is easier for us to make and maintain friendships with other jews because we have the common background so we focus on our relationships with our jewish friends more. At jewish summer camps, we are encouraged to form relationships with the opposite sex because the staff want us to mary jewish people and raise our children jewish, so when we see jewish men or women, we automatically try and figure out what type of husband or wife they would make and base our relationship, or lack thereof, on this. Jewish summer campers also use yiddish slang which sounds goofy and foreign to much of the non-jewish population. Most people are familiar with words like "oy" or "schlep", but it still is associated with old round women who force you to eat more and more at dinner. We also listen for comments about israel or judaism and are trained to spring into defense for our people and our country. We are the only ones who are allowed to make fun of other jews or israel because we are the only ones who know it. These traits have stayed with many of the jewish adults I know.

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