Sunday, September 15, 2013



It seems almost too simple to think of it with any cultural significance, however, it is something that is used so regularly, many couldn’t live without it. I myself can agree to that, I am not sure there is anything that I use more, or love more, than my iPhone. I am the proud owner of a black, 64 GB, iPhone 4s. Any time I have to waste, I am searching through tweets, skimming through Instagram pictures, or iMessaging my friends.

            Although an iPhone doesn’t have a specific race, or identity, I believe that iPhones are marketed to being the best phone, the superior cell phone. Apple coming out with a new product or an upgrade to the already fine iPhone has become somewhat of a holiday for some.  Apple users are coerced into believing that having the newest edition of an iPhone will make life so much easier, everything is at the discretion of a finger. Apple is fluent in rhetoric. They understand exactly how to make people go crazy over a simple mobile phone. In reality, what does one need pages of apps for? Siri isn’t necessary to survive. We should be able to find a restaurant without the help of an instant map in our palm. However, an ideology has come to be that without our iPhones, we are nothing. We aren’t able to survive without instantaneous access. Now, I started by saying there wasn’t anything that I love more than my iPhone, and I am not going to go back on what I have said, but I know that the object, the signifier, my iPhone has led me into believing that I cannot survive without it. I wouldn’t know how to read a map without getting exact directions, my iPhone has led me to believe exactly what Apple’s goal is: the iPhone is the superior cell phone, and that without it, life cannot carry on (easily).

1 comment:

  1. It's so true and actually funny that it's such a "must-have"; thinking of all the extremes that even people I know will go to stay updated on iPhone gadgets and everything. The Droid vs. Apple divide has almost become political. I am definitely on the Mac side, but whether I have a bias or not, their brand marketing is crazy good. Like you said, their goal to convince everyone that their product is superior to their competitors totally works... in my opinion. Whether Droid phones have more to offer or not, it's the "cool" factor and artistic appeal that Apple has.
