Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gary Coleman making a deal with the devil

     So I picked an art piece by an artist called Neckface and it depicts the devil giving Gary Coleman a ticket that says young forever. Now this says a lot in a simple piece, it’s the joke that comedians have been playing off of for years. Gary Coleman’s small stature and young looking face serves as the joke of him making a deal with the devil. To make the joke work though it uses the devil in Christian culture we see as rhetoric and uses hegemony as well, he is the snake in the garden persuading humans to do evil things in exchange for something. While piece does not show what Coleman is trading, it is easily assumed that he is trading his soul and portrayed throughout American culture with interactions with the devil. While this is an art piece and not a text it’s author or artist is communicating to three different  audiences the viewers who watched Different Strokes, Americans in general who pay attention the media, and even though it is hard for most to know but he is also communicating to the skateboard subculture in which he is heavily involved as an artist for many skate companies. The meaning of this piece comes from his fame he acquired from Different Strokes and the short stature and young looks he has as an adult. The meaning of the devil as I explained before is merely there to make this joke work and speaks from American Christian culture. The text or humor he is using while does speak to multiple audiences, I feel that this style or sense of humor is meant more for the skateboarding audience. He has used many pieces such as this on skateboards to make a crude joke for what is seen as an immature audience.

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